Wednesday, April 29, 2009


As you know we've been waiting 11 years for a resolution to our most pressing problem. At times I can hardly believe how the time has just flown by, but when I verbally say, "Eleven years." it sounds like a really long time to wait.

Today my devotion gave me a chance to ponder if I've really had to wait that long. In comparison to the time from the first promise God made to Abraham to the time of God's fulfillment was around 600 years. Now, that's a long time. The writer of this devotion was trying to explain why God chose to have those details in the Bible that seem mundane. Like which tribe got which part of land as described in Joshua. He said that God placed those passages in the Bible to remind the Israelites and us of the evidence that God does what He says He will.

God places what seems like trival, insignificant information in the Bible to remind us that He has every detail under control, He knows every detail before it happens, and He knows when every promise will be fulfilled.

So is eleven years really that long? If I look at it in light of God's promise, I think not.

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