Wednesday, April 29, 2009

News On the Home Front

Today was a day of mixed news. First the good, I e-mailed our lawyer because we haven't heard from the guardian ad-litem. Our lawyer said he had a long talk with him and that he is aware of our case, but has more urgent cases that need his attention. Our lawyer said that he will contact us well before the court date. They way he talked it's just a formality.

The not so good news is that Jeff got called into the principal's office and told he was being involuntarily transfered to a rival high school in the county. They blamed it on the budget and for the betterment of the system he needed to go teach at the other school. Jeff is really sad because he graduated from Oakland and always wanted to teach there. We are grateful that he has a job, it's just a lot to process. His principal had an assistant principal come to his room during a class and tell him to go to the office. When he got there they told him he had to transfer and handed him the papers to sign and then sent him back to class to teach as if nothing had happened. That really is a crappy way of dealing with employees if you ask me. So we will survive and we'll buck up and Jeff is determined to do his best no matter where he goes, but at heart he'll always be a Patriot.

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