Monday, September 15, 2008

World Wide Web Overload

Okay, I think I am officially on web overload. I joined a Yahoo group for the Women's Ministry at church, I started a facebook to keep up with my friends at work, and I have this blog. I've even been told that I need to "Twitter." The only thing I "twitter" at is the thought of having another user name and password to keep up with. I really think I've lost my mind, I mean I hardly post on here. But anyway, if you have a facebook, I need friends. It's very depressing to look and see that you have no friends. I'll probably find reading your facebook more interesting that keeping up with my own : )


Anna said...


*searching for you now*

Anna said...

K, there are a lot of Carol Tomlinson's out there, so you add me and I'll confirm it! Facebook is incredibly, ridiculously, addicting!