Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Just For Fun

1. What is your middle name? Marie
2. How big is your bed? Queen
3. What was the last thing you ate? Ritz crackers
4. Last person you hugged?James, I just tucked him into bed.
5. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Left a message for my niece, does that count?
6. Favorite type of Food? Whatever someone else cooks :)
7. Favorite holiday? Easter
8. Favorite Season? Spring one of the reasons for above answer.
9. Last Movie you Watched, Who Was it With? Game Plan, the kids.
10. What books are you reading? Just finished The Shack
11. Favorite Movie? Don't have one
12. Favorite college football Team? Ugh, must I have one?
13. What were you doing before filling this out? copying this from Anna's blog
14. Dogs or cats: cats, but can't have one James is allergic.
15. Favorite Flower? tulips
16. What would you like to see right now? the back of my eyelids
17. Have you ever fired a gun? No, but somedays, I'd like to.
18. Do you like to travel by plane? Yes, way fun.
19. Right-handed or Left-handed? righty
20. If you could go to any place right now where would you go? Argentina
21. Did you get enough sleep last night? the answer is always, NO!!
22. First thing you thought about this morning? Is it morning already :(
23. Grilled or fried? grilled, usally
24. Are you afraid of the dark? Not anymore, was when I was little. Ask my sister why : )
25. Favorite hangout? Home, I don't get to stay here enough.
26. First thing you will buy if given a thousand dollars? I would pay on bills.
27. What are you afraid of ? cock roaches.
28. What is your nickname? Carolrie or Reesy (but only my dad or Jeff uses these)
29. Favorite color? purple.
30. What did you wanna be when you were a kid? teacher.
31. What do you usually do when the clock reads 7AM? If it's a good traffic day, I am walking into work. If it's the weekend, I am hitting the snooze button.
32. Who do you want to meet? Jesus

I copied and then cut alot of the questions, I didn't want to answer. Feel free to copy and add for fun to your site.


Anna said...

Hah, wives shouldn't ever have to go to the doghouse. I think we should be sent to a spa instead!

Cute background!

Candace said...

Another new background! You're doing good!